Herbal products are used widelyin Pakistan. It has been observed that herbal products are more efficient andeffective than conventional drugs. Most patients are opting for herbal products in Pakistan nowadays. The herbal products are normally prescribed by the physicians, based on a patient or individual body type and stage of illness.Herbal products in Pakistan can be bought from the pharmacies or through theinternet.
A wide variety of herbal medicines are commonly used in Pakistan. These include Mistletoe, Indianginseng, Garlic, Ginger, Turmeric, Licorice Root, Alfalfa, Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), and other herbs. Some of these herbal medicines are regularly used as a remedy for various health disorders. Some of the commonlyused herbal medicine in Pakistan are mentioned below.
Benefits of herbal Medicine:
The Mistletoe is used to treatstomach cramps. This herb is extremely effective in relieving heart burn and indigestion. This herbal medicine in Pakistan is available in capsule form and in dry powder form. Mistletoe capsules should not be taken with dairy products because it can cause diarrhea.
Garlic is used to treat stomachcramps, flatulence and as a disinfectant. An ancient Hindu religious textdescribes Garlic as a divine herb. In the Ayurvedic healing system of India,Garlic is regarded as one of the most powerful herbs. It has the ability tostrengthen the immune system, balance blood sugar levels and eliminate toxins. Because of this, the herbal medicine in Pakistan is believed to be very useful in fighting diseases like diarrhea and hepatitis.
One of the famous herbal formulasis called Tapyadi Loh. This formula is made by combining five herbs of the samefamily namely Bhringaraj, Nirgundi, Musta and Tagar. It can be purchased from any reputed herbal store at affordable rates. If you search the internet, you will be able to find more information on how to prepare this formula at home.
Ashwagandha or withania somniferais one of the most commonly used and effective herbs for stomach cramps,insomnia, anxiety and stress. Its effects are comparable to that of melatonin. According to the Ayurvedic medication recommendations, ashwagandha should be taken twice a day for better results.
Similarly, for treating sleeplessness, Valerian is considered as an efficient herbal medicine in Pakistan. Valerian is one of the most popular herbal medicine in Europe and Asia. This herb is widely used to treat insomnia, depression and nervousproblems. In addition to that, it has good effects on menstrual disorders, lossof appetite and loss of libido.
These herbal medicines should beused with caution as they have some side effects. According to the clinicalstudies, patients who were taking these medicines were not suffering from anykind of side effects. Therefore, if you do not want to suffer from the sideeffects of this herbal medicine in Pakistan, you should purchase it from reputed herbal stores.
Bhang and Jatamamsi are two otherhighly regarded herbal medicines in Pakistan. These herbs are usually used torelieve nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. They are commonly used as tonics for infants and children.
History of Herbal Medicine:
Apart from that, they are alsoused in the treatment of indigestion and dyspepsia. Medicines like Punarnavadi Mandur, Tapyadi Loh and Ekang-Veer-Ras are used in order to treat constipation.They are also used to treat indigestion and also act as laxatives. Medicines like Musta and Bilva (Cinnamomum verum) are used to treat flatulence and intestinal gas. Similarly, medicines like Apamarga (Achyranthus aspect) and Kutki (Picrorrhiza kurroa) are used to treat nausea and vomiting.
Herbal medicine has gained a good reputation in the western world, where it is used to treat many diseases andimprove the health of a person. Herbal medicines in Pakistan have also gained popularity among people who are fond of herbal remedies and traditional forms of medication. This popularity has led to increased demand for such traditional forms of medicine, leading to an increase in production and availability.Herbal medicines in Pakistan, especially if they are authentic, can treat manycommon ailments, though their actual effects are not fully known until decades after research on them has been done.
Herbal medicine is the most inexpensive form of medication available over the counter. Many people livingin Pakistan have turned to herbal remedies for treating most of their common ailments. However, people must still be cautious with herbal products because there are some drugs that can react with herbal products. One should never take herbal medicine without proper prescription from a qualified herbalist or doctor. When you purchase such products online, make sure you do not purchase fake prescriptions. Always ask for genuine prescription.